Tuesday, October 18, 2011

This is What it's All About!

Hello Austen,

My name is Scott Martinez, my 9 year- old daughter, Hailey, is the Girl of the Year for the 2011 Man & Woman of the Year campaign.  I understand you have made the commitment to be a Man of the Year candidate.  Thank you for taking action and dedicating your time and energy to raising money for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society (LLS)! 

A little information for you about Hailey, she was diagnosed Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in August of 2006 right before her 4th birthday. After a 2 year battle, we are happy to say that Hailey has been in remission since October of 2008.

Our family cannot personally thank you enough for your efforts.  LLS  has made such amazing strides in the past 50 years and with the advancements of science and technology as well as helping families such as ours when having to face a blood cancer.  With your help and support, the LLS mission will be realized:  cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. 

Your efforts are part of the possibility to finding a cure!  Thank you for taking this step to be a part of something so great. 

We are looking forward to meeting you soon. 

Best of luck as you get started!

Scott & Kellie Martinez

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Make A Difference Today for Tomorrow

Friends and Family,

Soon you will be hearing more from me on how you can help me raise money and awareness for LLS. My goal with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is to help fund research so that they may find a cure for leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families.  There an estimated 957,902 people in the United States right now that are living with, or are in remission from, leukemia, Hodgkin lymphoma, NHL or myeloma. My goal is to raise a record setting $70,000 during my 10 week campaign starting in February of 2012.

My team and I are now accepting pledges for the 2012 campaign. If you feel that you are called to make a pledge please email me at asmith@anthembank.com and I will be happy to send you information on how you can give.

I thank you all in advance on helping me Make a Difference Today for Tomorrow!

God Bless-
Austen Smith

2012 Candidate for Man of The Year

This year, I am joing men and women in communities across the country that are dynamic, passionate engage in a spirited competition to earn The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's "Man & Woman of the Year" titles, by raising funds for blood cancer research. The candidates compete in honor of children who are local blood cancer survivors, the Boy & Girl of the Year. Every dollar counts as one vote, and the titles are awarded to the man and woman with the most votes at the end of ten weeks; the top local fundraisers in the country win the national titles.

Man & Woman candidates are goal-oriented and compassionate. Their relentless efforts are focused on making life better for hundreds of thousands of patients battling blood cancers: leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma.
Funds raised by Man & Woman of the Year participants are used for:
  • Lifesaving blood cancer research
  • Financial assistance to cover patient expenses for transportation, medication and testing
  • Free educational materials and events for patients and their families
  • Local programs such as Family Support Groups and First Connection, a peer-to-peer counseling program
  • Comprehensive, personalized assistance through our Information Resource Center
Let's make a difference Today for Tomorrow!